Sunday, April 19, 2020

Homebound Happiness-Part One

~Doc Lawrence

“Down in New Orleans, where everything is fine
All them cats is drinkin' that wine
Drinkin' wine spo-dee-o-dee, 
Pass that bottle to me.
Wine has always been a farm product. No matter all the window dressing, it remains something good from Mother Nature. It’s been around for a few thousand years. A beverage for the dinner table or those who yearn for refreshment, it is a necessity, not a luxury. 

Isolation, with all the challenges that daunting word suggests, is better handled with a firm determination that the French call joie de vivres. Living each day joyfully is easier with good wine and tasty food.

It’s tempting to buy wine based on the lowest price. That’s neither necessary nor prudent. Inexpensive is the opposite of cheap. One is a bargain the requires a little searching, the other is a headache and appetite killer. Granted, these are troubling times when frugality should be the norm. But, some basic pleasures will go a long way in easing the monotony and boredom we all suffer.

There’s no better place to be than springtime down South. Lighter wines like Riesling, Chardonnay, Albarino, Vouvray, Sauvignon Blanc, Sancerre and Gewürztraminer beg to be served alongside seafood and inventive salads. Rosé is wildly popular this time of year.

For less than $20 dollars, I find these almost everywhere I look. Good wine retailers, Whole Foods and most supermarkets have these. If you live in Atlanta, the Dekalb Farmers Market has an outstanding wine department. Shop for bargains: they are out there. Don’t be shy about asking for guidance. A good store has employees eager to help and they are quite sensitive to bargain requests. It’s a sign of a sophisticated shopper. 

Chill these wines, but don’t serve them at low temperatures or you’ll lose some essentials. 

White and rosé wines are fun to buy and serve. There’s no particular science in the enjoyment. Just go for it and have fun.

Lagniappe: buy several mixed bottles. Think of all the fun you’re going to have planning that next dinner on the patio.

Homebound but happy. Safe from harm, laughing and defeating all fears. 

Next: Champagne

NOTE: Need help finding these? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Doc. Great review of the local wine, Villa Wolf. Sounds like a nice bottle to serve for lunch or dinner. I wonder whether there's wider distribution than in the South for this label. I've never seen it in Calfornia, where we live. Michael
